Woodforest Charitable Foundation Donates $7,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas

Photo Caption:Woodforest National Bank’s Dallas team surprised Madison with a welcome home party after her wish had been granted.
DALLAS, Texas - Woodforest Charitable Foundation donates $7,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas, an organization that grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.
When Madison, a six year old cancer victim, was asked to make a wish, three words came to mind: Walt Disney World. Woodforest Charitable Foundation’s recent donation of $7,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation allowed Madison’s dream to come true.
The sole purpose of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions, in order to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. The Foundation provides children with hope for better times, the strength for the tough times and the joy to experience the present. The goal of Make-A-Wish is to be a unique part of the treatment process.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas is part of the nation’s largest and most well-established wish-granting organization, with chapters and volunteers throughout the U.S. and abroad. The Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas has granted more than 4,000 wishes since its inception in 1982. Every fulfilled wish represents a unique collaboration between wish families, medical professionals, volunteers and donors. The Make-A-Wish Foundation provides the structure, but it is the child’s request that determines what the Foundation will do. “While it is not a requirement to qualify for a wish, many of our wish families are struggling financially due to the expense of medical bills, and most families have at least one parent that leaves their job out of necessity of caring for their sick child,” said Paige Kelly, Development Officer for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas. “This is one of the reasons that we cover the entire cost of the wish experience, so as to let the entire family enjoy the magic of the wish, including the family that supports the wish child in their everyday life. Thank you again for supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and for sponsoring Madison’s wish!”
For more information about the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas, please call (214) 496-9474 or visit www.northtexas.wish.org.
The Woodforest Charitable Foundation was created by Woodforest National Bank in 2005 as a direct result of its desire to support and invest in the communities in which it serves. The Foundation is creating a legacy of commitment to those in need, enriching lives and communities through dedicated leadership and faithful administration by providing funding to qualifying 501(c)(3) charities. For additional information regarding The Woodforest Charitable Foundation, call (832) 375-CARE (2273) or visit the foundation’s website at www.woodforestcharitablefoundation.org.
Celebrating 30 years of service and ranked among the top earning banks in the United States, the Woodforest family of banks currently has assets of approximately $3.2 billion and services more than 770,000 customers with branches in excess of 700 throughout seventeen states: Texas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. For information about Woodforest National Bank, please call 832-375-2000 or visit the bank’s website at www.woodforest.com.