Montgomery Area Food Bank receives $1,830 donation from WCF.
10-September, 2012

Photo Caption:Presenting a $1,830 donation to Jolene Kearns, Development & Programs Director, Montgomery Area Food Bank and Cheri O’Dell, Compliance Coordinator & Senior Supplement Coordinator; is Vicki Richmond, Treasurer, Woodforest Charitable Foundation, with Woodforest National Bank Managers from the Alabama area.
MONTGOMERY, AL - Woodforest Charitable Foundation donates $1,830 to Montgomery Area Food Bank in support of the Senior Supplemental Program which provides nutritious meals to seniors who are at risk of being food deprived.
Established in 1986, Montgomery Area Food Bank fights hunger and poverty in 35 counties throughout south central Alabama by distributing food and other donated products to over 800 non-profit member agencies. Through this network, Montgomery Area Food Bank provides free food to low income residents by offering food pick up services as well as on-site feeding programs at their soup kitchen.
Montgomery Area Food Bank’s system, which has been in place for more than 26 years, takes food that otherwise would have gone to waste and gets it out to people who are unable to provide adequate food for themselves and their families. Through the food bank and its four partner distribution organizations, roughly 19 million pounds of food is disbursed annually.
The food bank offers three major feeding programs annually. First, the Mobile Pantry Program is designed to be a direct food distribution center that travels to some of the lowest income areas in the 35 county service territory. Second, the E.N.D. program is a free service that uses short-simple lessons and activities to teach how to incorporate exercise, nutrition, and diet into daily routine, even when on a budget. Last, the Senior Supplement Program is for eligible individuals 60 years of age and older. Each senior receives 12 boxes a year of highly nutritious food items with extra food provided in November and December for holiday meals. The boxes of food are received by the senior at no cost to them
“Collectively, your generosity will make a positive improvement in the lives of so many. We continue in gratefulness to you for your support, but our thanks pale in comparison to that of the seniors you are helping to feed,” said E. Parke Hinman, Executive Director of Montgomery Area Food Bank.
For more information on Woodforest Charitable Foundation’s contributions to this organization, please refer to the 2010 article on our website. To contact this agency directly, call (334) 263-3784 or visit
The Woodforest Charitable Foundation was created by Woodforest National Bank in 2005 as a direct result of its desire to support and invest in the communities in which it serves. The Foundation is creating a legacy of commitment to those in need, enriching lives and communities through dedicated leadership and faithful administration by providing funding to qualifying 501(c) (3) charities. For additional information regarding The Woodforest Charitable Foundation, call (832) 375-CARE (2273) or visit the foundation’s website at .
Celebrating 32 years of service and ranked among the top earning banks in the United States, the Woodforest family of banks currently has assets of approximately $3.7 billion and services more than 1 million customers with branches in excess of 780 throughout 17 states: Texas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. For information about Woodforest National Bank, please call 832-375-2000 or visit the bank’s website at